Success story

The biggest turning point in my golf game:
lessons with Ryan.

I learned repetition is the key to success on and off the course, and Ryan gave me the technique and playbook to succeed during and after each lesson.

I started playing golf when I was about 10 years old with my Dad. I played casually, occasionally taking lessons when I was younger. I was good enough to hit the ball, so I told some folks at the office I knew how to play. When my boss asked me to play a round with some key clients, I paniced.

A friend of mine from high school had been taking lessons with Ryan for a few months and told me he'd seen marked improvement, so I gave it a shot. Little did I know, Ryan would teach me the technique and challenge my mental fortitude to succeed both at the game and professionally on the course.


What was your reason to continue lessons with Ryan after the initial lesson?

FLEXIBILITY – Work, family, degree—it’s all possible.

Convenience – Study on your time schedule, no commute, stackable programs lead to certificates and degrees.

Proven Modality – More than 5 million students take one or more distance education courses each year.

What do you like (or not like!) about the one plane swing that Ryan teaches?

New Relationships and Networking Opportunities – Learn alongside students who offer diverse levels of experience and perspective. Students enroll from all corners of the world contributing to a rich classroom environment.

How prepared do you feel, after lessons, to go out on the course and play a round?

Career Advancement and Entrepreneurial Opportunities – Advance your career with additional credentials or degrees. Quality of Instruction – University of Illinois faculty are among the most accomplished scholars in the world. Academic Excellence – Online degree seekers earn the same degree as U of I campus-based degree seeking students.

Signature Golf Programs

Course Image
$89 per hour

Driving Range Private Lesson

  • 201 Lessons
  • 51 Students
First Lesson Free Course Image
$165per hour

Couples Driving Range Private Lesson

  • 23 Lessons
Course Image
$225 per 9 holes

On-The-Course Private Lesson

  • 89 Lessons
  • 47 Students